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Does your teen want to have a child? What about a son that runs and hides from you whenever you want to discipline him? What is the correct way to handle these problems? Dr. Leman answers these questions on today’s episode.


Question #1 Monika:

Monika’s 16 year old son, and his girlfriend, are hoping and trying for a baby. After talking with everyone involved, she has found no change in their desire and behavior. “I don’t know how to stop them!”

Dr. Leman’s Answer:

There are times when seeking the support and input of an outside, third-party will help you get the attention of your child, as you will find in both of my answers today.

Shock him.

Post a sign outside your house that reads: “ROOM FOR RENT.”
The harsh realities that await him are certainly not part of his thoughts today.

I would try a couple of approaches on him:

1. Invite a third-party who is neutral in the situation to take him out for a Coke and talk about the realities he is courting.

2. Get him involved in a church nursery or other nursery where he can experience what it is like to have an infant. Have him serve there for at least 3 months.

A great book to read about this topic is A Chicken’s Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids About Sex.

Question #2 Bridget:

My 5 year old boy keeps having bad behavior and I can’t stop it. The other kids see it and are going to do the same thing. He keeps getting the attention, but I don’t know how to stop myself.

Dr. Leman’s Answer:

This boy is a classic attention-getter.

He is powerful.

He says, “I am boss.”
He knows others are watching, but wants the attention
Your job is to ignore him. Fix lunch. Call him once. Sit and enjoy lunch with the other two. Let him hide. He will eventually come out for food.
If you are in the store and he hides from you, call on the manager to speak with him while you stay out of the picture. Again, seeking third-party interference will get his attention.
Bridget, you are a good candidate to read, Parenting Your Powerful Child.