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Do you ever feel like you are stuck in life? Whether in the area of marriage, parenting, or relationally, we all get stuck and know others who are stuck. How do we help others and ourselves in situations like these? Dr. Leman shares his tips on today’s episode!


We often run into people who are “stuck” in life. Their marriage is on the rocks, they are struggling with their kids, or they have broken family relationships.
How can we help someone, or even yourself, who is obviously “stuck”?

As a psychologist, I helped to “unstuck” a lot of people, and then came to the realization that many people can help themselves. That is when I wrote the book, Have a New You by Friday, because I believe that you can think your way to change.

Here are just a few hints to get one started:
1. Acknowledge that you are flawed, not perfect.
2. Own up to your weaknesses and mistakes.
3. Make a list of what you want to change (figure out where you want to go).
4. Tell someone else so they can encourage you.
5. Accept encouragement along the way.
6. Apologize when you make a mistake.

You can change your behavior by changing the way you think.

I would recommend reading Have a New You By Friday for even more helpful information.