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If you want trouble in your family, all you need to do is be inconsistent in your words and actions. In fact, if you are under 75% consistent you will have trouble in your family. Do you want to learn how to be more consistent. Listen and Learn.


What is the consistency goal in parenting?

  • 100% is the ideal, but it isn’t attainable.
  • The goal is 90% of the time, you are doing well.
  • If under 75%, you will have problems in your household.

How to get better at being consistent?

  1. See what you are doing. Ask: How do you normally act?
  2. Notice your self talk: Ask what do you normally say?
  3. Now say to yourself, “What is the new me going to say or do?”
  4. You decide to behave differently. Not necessarily that you feel good about doing it. But doing what is the right thing to do.
  5. When you are in the same parenting situation, do what the new you has been saying to yourself.

You can think you way to a behavioral change and a new relationship.

Parenting Tip/ Pocket Answer

You can think you way to behavioral change


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