MarriageParentingPodcast September 18, 2014 049: Ask Dr. Leman (Trampoline Parents, Soccer Snub) Your spouse wants a trampoline and you are 100% against it. What do you do?… Dr. Kevin Leman
MarriageParentingPodcast August 19, 2014 040: 3 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Get Your Spouse on the Same Parenting Page "You did what!? I just sent them to their room without dinner and instead you… Dr. Kevin Leman
MarriageParenting March 14, 2014 Love is all you need…or is it? For every newlywed or new parent, the question must be asked, is love enough? If… Dr. Kevin Leman
AdviceMarriage November 7, 2013 Why you should never ask “why” Women are always asking me how they can get their husbands to talk. “He just… Dr. Kevin Leman
AdviceMarriage February 13, 2012 Valentines Day Ought To Be Every Day | FREE Have A New Husband By Friday (eBook only!) Love makes the world go 'round. Or so they say. And "they" also tell us… Dr. Kevin Leman
AdviceMarriageParentingSelf-Help January 2, 2012 RELATIONSHIP TIPS FOR A STRESS-FREE 2012 (or as close as possible!) Hi Everyone! Welcome to my new website! We worked hard to make the site user… Dr. Kevin Leman
Marriage October 20, 2011 What Your Husband Really Wants From You I received this letter a few years back from Tina in Colorado: I have never… Dr. Kevin Leman
Marriage October 10, 2011 7 Things He’ll Never Tell You Studies reveal that about 50 percent of those who marry today will end up divorced.… Dr. Kevin Leman