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First, you yell at your family for not helping you, then you feel guilty for yelling at them. But you hope they heard through the yelling your cry for help. Only to realize later that you are again alone in the bathroom wiping down the counters, as the family plays in the living room oblivious to you. Sound familiar. Andrea found herself there. It wasn’t until we used Dr. Leman’s system that she found freedom and success.


We had this super elaborate chore peg board that you flipped the tile over when the kids did their chore. Can you believe the peg board would “accidentally” fall down on a regular basis, right before the we’d review who had done which chores with the kids?

Andrea and I have tried various methods to get kids to help around the house. We have done chore charts, rewards, excel charts and none worked.

Using Dr. Leman’s system has been totally different. Why? The responsibility is on the kids. Today’s show will only cover a limited part of his system.

Why is it important to have kids help around the house?

  • When mom doesn’t get help at home, she feels guilty because she is angry at the family for not helping.
  • Kids need to learn how to work.

What stops us from getting kids to help at home?

  • Parents get tired of ragging on their kids to get them to help.
  • It is easier to do it yourself.
  • You will do it better than the kids did it.

What happens when we step in and do the work?

  • When you redo it, you are “shouldering” on your kids.
  • You are saying, “You failed in my eyes.”
  • Your kids will say to themselves, “I can never measure up to this lady.”

What is the benefit to kids helping around the house?

  • You kids get a sense of accomplishment.
  • They get vitamin E, encouragement.
  • They get a sense of belonging by giving back to the family.

For a limited time, until Nov 20th, you can get the full training, called 3 Easy Steps to Help at Home. Click HERE for more information.

Because the Terpening clan has benefited so much from this, we want tons of families to benefit as well, so we set the price at Name Your Own Price.

Click HERE for more info.

Parenting Tip/ Pocket Answer

No one person is more important than the other.


The next session is on Have a Happy Family by Friday. If you have a question or thought regarding this topic, please leave us a voicemail for the next session. It must be under 30 seconds for the podcast. We reserve the right to use your question on the podcast. (This is NOT a private voicemail for personal counseling.)

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