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Dr. Leman has compared parenting as a sport or game before, and just like in any game there are easy to score big. On today’s episode Dr. Leman goes over the easiest 3 things you can do to win at parenting!


Are there three easy reminders parents can take to help them win at parenting?

Keep these in mind, and you will be surprised at the wins in your life!

1. Stay On The Same Page With Your Spouse

When you and your spouse are on the same page, it gives the kids a psychological peace. This is always a win!
If you are arguing about something small, remember that often it is just a battle of the wills, not the real issue. Just flip a coin and move on!
Never let the kids play you against one another.

2. Treat Your Kids Differently

Yes, even identical twins have different fingerprints. We can see this as a reminder that the Almighty God made us all different!
The Birth Order Book will shed some light on this issue.

3. Listen, Listen, Listen!

“Tell me more about that.”
“Hmm, Interesting!”
“You seem bothered by that.”
Kids will talk when they want to talk. By using these pocket phrases, you will open up more opportunities for them to talk.

Listen to the podcast to hear these explained in detail.