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Is your relationship with your in-laws strained and you wonder how to handle awkward situations? In this episode Dr. Leman covers some practical things you can do to help let out some of the tension.


Yes, there are plenty of strained in-law relationships out there. It is reality.

How do you best deal with these, and model a relationship you want to have with your kids someday when they are adults?

Watch out for the “should-er”!
The Should-er is the person who is always telling you what you should do better, differently, or now.

Have you ever tried this response?:

“Wow! You are the best! You are offering to clean up that flower bed? I was thinking about what we would do while you were here. That would be great! It is so kind of you to volunteer!”

Or maybe it is your mother-in-law who “shoulds” on your cooking.
“Great! I will have you take care of the birthday dinner! Just let me know if there is something you cannot find in the kitchen.”

Your Plan:
1. Be attentive.
2. Wait for the cheap shot.
3. Turn it around.
4. It will tame them when you put them to work.