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“Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.” Have you ever heard this from your kids? Your kids will get your attention. You decide if it is positive or negative. Listen here for the steps to give positive attention.

Every kids is an attention seeker. High attention seekers are discouraged kids. Learn how to encourage them and direct them towards positive behavior for positive attention.


Items from the podcast

  • Every kid is seeking attention.
  • The key question is what kind of attention are they going to get: Positively or negatively attention.
  • Kids look for attention from those above them. Your younger kids look for attention from parents and the other kids. Your oldest kid looks to Mom and Dad for attention.
  • Your children seek attention by answering this question, I only count when I ________________.
  • The highest attention seeking child is usually your youngest child.
  • How to know if they are attention seekers? If what they do annoys you.
  • Attention seeker are discouraged that they can’t get the attention they want.

Parenting Tip/ Pocket Answer

Your child will get your attention. You decide if it is positive or negative.

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

Birth Order by Dr. Kevin Leman

Parenting Your Powerful Child by Dr. Kevin Leman


Nearly Too Late!

Teenage Years Training-Sign Up NOW!

Only $27 for the first round of the training.

The two session cover: What is happening inside your teenager and What is my role as a parent.

Sign up HERE or use this address:

Leave a Voicemail Question

The next session is on Temper Tantrums. If you have a question or thought regarding this topic, please leave us a voicemail for the next session. It must be under 30 seconds for the podcast. We reserve the right to use your question on the podcast.

Your Feedback

If you have an idea for a podcast or a question about an upcoming episode, e-mail me. If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks.