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Does your younger child excel and exceed your older? Do you worry about what your children are listening to? In this podcast I will solve these real problems from real people.


Question #1

What is the best way to deal with a situation where your older child struggles while the younger sibling excels and likes to let it be known?

From, Elizabeth

Dr. Leman’s Answer:

  • First, ask yourself, “Did I help to contribute to this?”  “Was I overly critical of the older child?”
  • If so, the older may have decided to give up trying since they saw there was no pleasing you. They see themself as a failure.
  • Also, the younger sibling in UNKIND
  • Nobody likes a braggart; You can talk to the younger sibling about how no one likes his/her disdainful behavior, “this was unkind, uncalled for, mean spirited”
  • Tell the older child how impressed you are with how well they take it, your words make a big difference, and yes, your sibling is ‘too much’.

Question #2

I have a 16 year old son. He has a job and uses some of his money to buy songs on the internet. These songs are full of profanity and drug references. When I asked him what draws him to these songs it is mostly the tune, but some he says some have good messages. I don’t feel I can ban him from such songs, is that wrong? If not, how could I warn him without preaching of the dangers of filling your mind constantly with such things?

From, Shani Hustad

Dr Leman’s Answer:

  • I’d see this as a 2, not a 10 on the concern scale.
    Remember, don’t be rule-oriented. Relationship matters.
  • Kids don’t necessarily know what the words are, or mean.
    They will hear it around school or the mall anyhow.
  • Try these phrases:
    • “I am surprised you like these words in your ears”
    • “I am disappointed that you are listening to it”
  • This is not a deal-breaker or a relationship-ender.


The next session is on Back Talk. If you have a question or thought regarding this topic, please leave us a voicemail for the next session. It must be under 30 seconds for the podcast. We reserve the right to use your question on the podcast. (This is NOT a private voicemail for personal counseling.)